Rodent Issues in Raleigh: A Guide to Effective Rodent Control

Since the dawn of civilization, rodents have been despised as pests that seem to follow us everywhere we go, invading our buildings and spreading diseases. Rodent infestations continue to be a frequent problem in present-day Raleigh, where mice and rats are an enduring nuisance for local homeowners.

In addition to spreading such diseases as hantavirus, leptospirosis and salmonella, rats and mice will relentlessly gnaw on their surroundings, damaging insulation, electrical wiring, woodwork, and more. No one wants to deal with a rodent presence in their home, but how do you keep them out? Keep reading to learn some great tips for effective rodent control in Raleigh.

A Complete Guide to Rodent Prevention & Control

The first step to keeping rodents out of your home in Raleigh is to implement proactive rodent prevention measures. You may wonder why mice and rats are drawn to your home to begin with; mainly, rodents are attracted by the warmth and shelter that your home can provide. They may also be drawn in by easy access to water and food.

To make your home less inviting to rodents, start by making it more challenging for them to nourish themselves with your food and water. Ensure all food in your home is stored in airtight containers so rats and mice can’t raid your kitchen at night. Dispose of kitchen garbage regularly and store it in bins with tight lids to keep rodents out. Fix any leaking pipes or drains so that your home doesn’t have sources of standing water for mice and rats to drink from. It’s also unwise to leave any food – whether it’s meal scraps, bird seed or pet food – outside overnight, since this will cause rodents to associate your property with free meals.

Of course, rodents may still want to infiltrate your home in Raleigh to take advantage of the snug shelter from both predators and the elements. Unfortunately, excluding rodents from your home is no easy task. That’s because these little pests can slip through incredibly small spaces to get in. Rats and mice may enter your home through an exterior vent opening, under a door, through an open window or via a hole or crack somewhere along your home’s exterior, often near the foundation.

Any vent openings outside the home, such as bathroom vents and dryer vents, should be covered with a mesh screen to prevent rodent intrusion. You should also consider installing door sweeps on any doors leading to the outside. Sealing off entry holes is a more challenging task; inspect the siding and foundation of your home for any holes or cracks that a rodent may be able to fit through. Keep in mind that a rat can force itself through a hole as small as a quarter, while mice are worse still, able to squeeze through a space with the same diameter as a dime! Use weatherproof sealant or caulk to seal any entry points you find in order to rodent-proof your home in Raleigh.

Despite your best efforts, mice or rats may still find a way into your home in Raleigh. When this happens, it’s important to exterminate the intruding rodents quickly before they multiply by leading others in with pheromone trails and breeding. Many types of rodent traps exist, with snap, glue and electronic being among the most common types. Bait these traps with peanut butter, nuts, seeds, grains or pet food, and set them up in areas where rodent activity is common, such as the garage, unfinished basement and attic. If you’re lucky, traps will make short work of the rodent problem.

For persistent or larger-scale rodent infestations, your best solution is to work with a professional rodent control company in Raleigh. Licensed rodent exterminators can more effectively remove a rodent infestation from your home and prevent a recurrence. Using a variety of methods, including installation of exclusion barriers and bait traps, rodent control professionals can keep your home rodent-free for the long haul.

Raleigh’s Best Rodent Control Team

Don’t wait for mice or rats to take over your home. Give Sustainable Pest Systems a call today if you need professional rodent control services in the Raleigh area!


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