How to Keep Mice & Rats Out of Your Charlotte Home: A Step-by-Step Guide

Mice and rats represent a constant menace to every home in Charlotte. For such small creatures, rodents can be shockingly destructive and dangerous. Due to a constant need to gnaw in order to grind down their teeth, rats and mice will damage everything in your home, from insulation and wiring to furniture and pipework. Rodents can also introduce many diseases to your household, such as hantavirus and salmonella.

The most frustrating thing about mice and rats is that they always seem able to find a way into our homes. However, there are some methods that can prove effective in preventing rodent intrusions into your home in Charlotte. Continue reading to learn more about effective rodent exclusion strategies.

Step 1: Remove Rodent Attractants

A "rodent attractant" is anything that might make your home and landscape more inviting to rats and mice. Generally, rodents are driven to invade our properties by two basic needs: the search for food and water; and the search for a safe place to live.

Unfortunately, homes in Charlotte will always be an inviting source of shelter for rodents. Since mice and rats are at the bottom of the food chain, the allure of a warm, sheltered space where there are no predators is irresistable. However, you can make your yard less inviting to rodents by storing any firewood or brush piles far away from your home and keeping thick vegetation away from the perimeter of your home. If mice and rats don't have these easy places to hide in your yard, they'll be more wary about approaching your home to begin with.

Denying rodents of easily accessible food and water is a crucial step in rodent-proofing your home in Charlotte. Outside your home, make sure trash cans have tight-fitting lids, avoid leaving pet food out overnight, and if you have bird feeders, keep them away from your home. Rodents are opportunistic foragers that will dine on just about anything, so removing these convenient food sources can deter them from your property. Be wary of sources of standing water - like fountains, ponds or even cans or buckets - as well because rats and mice that rely on your home as a watering hole are more likely to come inside.

Inside your home, never leave uncovered food out on the counters or dirty dishes in the sink overnight since the smell of food can lure rodents into your home. Keep any leftover food securely stored so that mice or rats that have infiltrated your home can't get into it and spread their germs. Also, make sure to clean up spilled food or water quickly, and dispose of kitchen garbage on a regular basis.

Step 2: Block Rodent Entry Points

After removing rodent attractants, a vital next step is to eliminate any possible entry points to your home in Charlotte. This is a challenging task because both mice and rats can squeeze through incredibly small spaces. The average adult mouse can fit through a hole or crack the size of a dime, while an adult rat can generally squeeze through a quarter-sized opening.

First, inspect the perimeter of your home for any holes, gaps or crevices along the foundation and in the siding. Mice and rats commonly use such openings to infiltrate our homes. When you find these holes, mark them and then promptly seal them up; depending on the size and location of the entry points, caulk, weatherproof sealant or a mesh cover may be the best option for blocking them.

But there are other ways for rats and mice to enter your home in Charlotte. Open windows, doors with a large gap at the bottom, and exterior vent openings with insufficient covers can all let rodents into your house. If you're in the habit of leaving windows open on hot summer days, make sure they have undamaged screens so that rodents can't sneak in. Install sweeps at the bottom of exterior doors to keep mice and rats from crawling beneath them. Install mesh covers over vent openings; unlike flapper vent covers, rodents can't just crawl in through them.

Step 3: Professional Rodent Exclusion

For the most thorough rodent exclusion, it's always best to work with a professional rodent control company in Charlotte. Their licensed and trained technicians are experts on all the best methods for keeping mice and rats out of your home. Professional rodent exclusion may involve thoroughly sealing off rodent entry points, installing deterrents on your property, placing rodent bait stations outside your home, and installing rat or mouse traps inside of your home to get rid of rodents that have already found a way in. Using a combination of these rodent exclusion methods, professional rodent control technicians can keep your home free of mice and rats for good.

Have you decided to seek professional rodent prevention solutions for your home? Speak with Sustainable Pest Systems today if you're in need of rodent exclusion services in the Charlotte area!


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