Spider Control 101: When You Need Spider Exterminators in North Carolina

You may have heard the "fact" that you are always within three feet of a spider. While there's no hard evidence for such a claim, it's true that spiders are very common household pests in North Carolina and you'd be hard-pressed to find a home without a single spider living in it.

As scary as this might be, particularly to those with arachnophobia, the reality is that most spiders are harmless and beneficial to the ecosystem since they predate more problematic pests such as ants, flies, mosquitoes, and roaches. But that's not to say an infestation of spiders can't become a problem, either. If you want to learn when a spider presence warrants a call to your local exterminators in North Carolina, just read on.

When Professional Spider Control is Needed

It's ultimately up to you when a spider infestation requires professional help to get rid of. That being said, there are certain circumstances where professional spider control might be much more urgent than others. The following situations call for professional spider exterminators in North Carolina:

  • The presence of venomous spiders within your home. There are a few species of venomous spiders in North Carolina, but only two are truly dangerous: black widows and brown recluses. Bites from either of these spider species can result in severe pain and feverish symptoms. On rare occasions, bites from these venomous spiders can even be fatal, most commonly if the victim is a child, elderly, or suffers an allergic reaction to the venom. If you've spotted black widow or brown recluse spiders inside your home, it's wise to call a licensed spider control company to get rid of them before someone suffers a bite.

  • Spiders continue to multiply despite DIY efforts to get rid of them. A few spiders in your house is one thing but if you see spiders crawling on the walls everywhere you look or you keep finding webs on every ceiling, that's a problem. Sometimes, a spider presence can escalate into a true infestation and, arachnophobic or not, no one wants to live in a house full of spiders. While most spiders aren't dangerous, their bites can still cause minor pain and itching. If you've tried to get rid of spiders and it just isn't working, it may be time to let the pros take over.

You have arachnophobia or an allergy to spider bites. Severe allergic reactions to spider bites are rare but they are known to happen, resulting in life-threatening health complications. If you have such an allergy to spiders, even a small infestation may warrant the intervention of spider control technicians in North Carolina. Professional spider control is also a worthwhile investment if you suffer from arachnophobia, as the presence of spiders in the home may incite anxiety and panic attacks.

Trusted Spider Exterminators in North Carolina

Have you decided that you need professional spider control services? Contact Sustainable Pest Systems today to schedule a visit from our spider exterminators in North Carolina!


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